After a few short years working in the equine assisted learning industry as a coach, I lost my equine partner, Thunder, at age 34 years young. It was devastating. It was so difficult to go to the barn, to the arena, anywhere that was part of our coaching area. I felt lost, vulnerable and inadequate. Without Thunder, I didn’t know how to continue. Our equine partners are essential agents of change in the coaching arena. It appeared to be the final chapter for my coaching career.
Enter the Texas Belle. I had a young mare in the barn that was just coming up under saddle and she nudged me to give her a try. And so it began, my new partner in coaching. Belle much preferred the coaching arena to the trails and was pretty adamant about her job. I couldn’t agree more. She was a rock star with clients (just ask her!)
A New Chapter Begins
Belle and I launched the new coaching business, Authenticity With Horses, in 2013 and to great success. Clients were quickly drawn to her beauty but more importantly to her energy and healing presence. It was palpable even for the toughest of characters. The shift in the energy within clients was fast and readily opened doors for communication and connection. It was a beautiful sight to see and experience. I had my perfect co-facilitator of change. Albeit short, our partnership filled my heart with purpose. It appeared I was to have another go at it rather than a final chapter.
Stark Reality Check
Within a few years, however, it was evident that my business was not thriving and in fact, it was not going to survive without some immediate action. I had spent all my time working IN the business and failed to spend enough time, energy and money ON my business. Thus, in order to put food on the table and in Belle’s hay bag, I needed a JOB to earn money for day to day expenses. Not the path I had envisioned.
New job, new routines and guess what, we lose sight of our purpose and goals. Soon there were no more clients, no more coaching sessions and even Belle lost interest. She began to move away, distance herself from me as I became more distant, angry and discouraged. It was again devastating to lose my equine partner, only this time due to circumstances I had created. My pain was debilitating and it took a toll on my health and wellbeing. I have never felt so lost and alone. Here again, another final chapter faced me.
A Survival Plan Emerged
Yoga and meditation were my refuge and ultimately, the answer to my struggle to reconcile the situation.
With some encouragement and help from my dear friends, we found a place and new opportunity for Belle to continue her work as a teacher and guide. With heavy heart, I loaded Belle on the transport truck and sent her to Texas, back to her roots, where she found a new beginning with Spirit Song Youth Equestrian Academy. Again, I was looking at that final chapter.
To this day, Belle is blossoming in her new role, savoring the love and compassion from the new humans in her life. She fully embraces her new situation and welcomes me for a visit whenever I can get back to Texas. I am grateful for our time together as coaching partners. She will forever be my sweet Texas Belle.
The New Final Chapter
My new venture into the world of copywriting and marketing has opened up a new world for me as a coach. Coaching has taken on a new approach with equine assisted clients. My passion and now purpose is to support those still in the arena with marketing strategies that provide solutions to the business success. I will continue to promote the coaching and EAL industry with my new marketing skills. And, to support me, Belle has agreed to co-facilitate my monthly newsletter with her blog: A Note From Belle.
And so it goes. Find us at